She just wanted to see if I was lying to her about my city knowledge. She asked questions about my habits and if I had a criminal record. She had me lined up to have a drug test done the next morning before she would tell me if I got the job or not. She also wanted a fax from my insurance company to confirm I did have any vehicle citations.
I went to the clinic as required and gave my sample and it tested clean like I knew it would. When I was giving the official paperwork I was given a card that told me to report with the results. When I arrived at Gina’s office I was reminded that confidentiality was still in play. She then informed me that she ran an escort service for shemales. I was to drive them to their clients, usually hotels and pick them up when they were done for the night. The blank look on my face made her laugh and ask if I knew what a shemale was. I told her I did. Then she informed me that all the women in the house were shemales to include her. That is why she needed someone that was discreet. "You are the only one that met all my requirements, that and the fact you are cute didn’t hurt either."
I told her I would love the job but I couldn’t tell my parents I was moving out of the house to go living at an escort service. She told me that she had another business too as a front; it was a clothing store for women. I told her I would take the job and she told me that I would start tonight and she would take me to go get my things from my house so she could meet with my parents in case they had any questions.
My parents were glad that I landed a job so fast and were grateful that Gina was willing to give the job to someone straight out of high school. It didn’t take my long to pack up my belongings and load them into Gina’s vehicle. When we were safely away she started telling me the rules of the house. The first was that the girls were very easy to arouse so if I got one of them aroused I had to help them with that arousal.