A little surprise to her more used to guys who talk in chat and then a meeting at home or in a hotel .. She did not conceal that the purpose was part of legs in the air .. She said her libido is very demanding and must satisfy his desires. She appreciates that I want to meet her in public. Me it does not bother me absolutely not, I went out partying with trav quite often. Couple or band.
So you go to town. Just over an hour to get to the beautiful. I find her outside the cafe where one is given this appointment. She is beautiful, perched on heels a bit excessive that give a suggestive approach if one can not help feeling some stiffness. The bottom seam, a black skirt very sticky and very short, a little loose blouse hides her little chest. She is even prettier the cam's on the net. She is taller than me .. perched on his heels. We kiss and we moved to the terrace, it's nice .. Lucia takes place in front of me and crosses his legs slowly leaving me see her underwear fuchsia .. I love .. I gaze. Nobody could tell she is not woman. While she is feminine, the slightest gesture, every word is feminine. I rubbed a lot of trav but Lucia is almost perfection.
I told him how I find it pretty. She did not blush but it seems she is not accustomed to so many compliments. She explains and complains a little lip service because it assumes its way to meet men. It's a shame to have that intimate relationships. At first my invitation in the height of a coffee pleasure. It's little but appreciate. I begin to understand. At first she was dragging the men who pleased him in bars, clubs or the life of every day. But there came a time when she had to confess that she really was. And there it went wrong. As of femininity led to disappointment for the man who hoped to find a young woman and was facing a trav. Few men are persuaded.
Therefore explains that it's easier on the internet here at least it sets the tone from the beginning and the men know what to expect .. But the whole seduction phase is totally absent. Lucia like all women we desire we appreciate her attentions, she feels even more women in this case and this is largely what the meets.